Strategy Blueprint

Visualize Your Project Strategy

Summarize your core aspirations and guiding principles into actionable strategy.

  • Easy, infinite canvas to visualize the entire strategy process
  • Real-time collaboration to work with stakeholders
  • Professionally pre-drawn strategy blueprint templates
Strategy Blueprint
National Geographic
Define Clear Strategic Priorities

Define Clear Strategic Priorities

Define Clear Strategic Priorities

Intuitive brainstorming tools like mind maps or post-it note walls to ideate and represent the various aspects of your strategic plan.

Multiple templates and frameworks for goal-setting, situation analysis, action planning, project planning, and more.

Data-enabled visuals to bring data from multiple sources into a single canvas to connect information together.

Notes to add detailed docs, attachments, links and more on each item to capture details and the big picture in a single space.

Simple drag and drop tools to easily customize your strategic plans, reports, and balance scorecards.


Discover Insights Faster

Discover Insights Faster

Infinite canvas to create one-page strategic plans centralizing all information and assets for easier decision-making.

Built-in tools to create dynamic and interactive presentations, reports, and dashboards for all stakeholders.

Multiple app integrations to help you import and export data across teams on different platforms.

Import images and vectors to the canvas and embed documents with in-app previews to provide more context with relevant resources.

Discover Insights Faster
Connect All Teams Across the Board

Connect All Teams Across the Board

Connect All Teams Across the Board

In-app video and audio calls to work with your remote teammates like you are in the same room. Conduct interactive strategic planning sessions.

Real-time cursors for any number of participants to collaborate with team members on a shared canvas.

@mention comments to direct people to get things done or clarify things and comment threads to have discussions and follow-ups on the same canvas.

Multiple access levels and roles to streamline managing, sharing, editing, and reviewing your ideas, plans, and strategies.

What Is a Strategy Blueprint?

Oftentimes, strategy gets conflated with analysis and planning. But real strategy lies in between the two and is about devising a way to best overcome obstacles to reach a desired goal. The strategy blueprint helps you identify the core logic behind your intended strategy and devises a framework for you to create an actionable plan.

How to Create a Strategy Blueprint?

  • Begin with a strategy blueprint template on Creately, you can invite others to the canvas to share thoughts and collaborate in real-time.
  • Begin to identify the challenges or hurdles that could prevent you from getting from point A to point B. List them out on notes in the template.
  • Aspirations: What kind of organization do you aspire to be? What do you aspire for customers and for society? Try defining that as concisely and accurately as possible. Make it a short-actionable statement.
  • Focus area : Who will you serve? What regions will you play in? Which jobs to be done will you target? Make sure the time you set aside to create the blueprint is limited to ensure quick decisions and clarity of thought.
  • Guiding principles: Together with the team, try and finalize what your core philosophy is and the values you will stay committed to.
  • Activities: List out all the tasks that need to be completed to achieve your desired result.
  • Outcomes: Decide on measurable ways to check progress and success.